Wednesday, April 11, 2012

50 % PrincessUpdate

Breath in..........and out! I find myself thinking that quite often these days. The Pink Palace has been operating at super speed these last few months.  Allow me to share with you the happenings of 50% of the Princesses.

Why not start with the oldest, who quite frankly would not be too impressed by being referred to as a princess! M is now a "preteen". It is alarming how fast those years went by. She is finding her sense of style and definitely knows what she does and doesn't like. Shopping with her is both wonderful and a bit sad for me. I enjoy spending the time with her and strengthening our relationship even when we are picking out high heel shoes.  Yep that's right my not so little girl was granted permission to wear high heels!! They are a stunning shade of lime green (her favorite color) that perfectly matched the Easter dress Grandma picked out for her. Also while shopping with M I realized just how long her legs really are and all I can say is WOW, they go on forever!! She will definitely be taller that her mama.

Now what to say about R. She loves to sing and make up her own songs. She also choreographs dance moves to go along with whatever song she is listening to! Her dad and I have decided to let her take.........are you ready for this.............drum lessons.  I know we must be crazy!!  When we mentioned to a friend that we wanted R to take drum lessons he said, "I'm not sure she is aggressive enough to play the drums." To which Troy and I busted out laughing! She is definitely aggressive enough! Those of you that know R know what I'm talking about. Thankfully the drum lessons will be taking place at the teachers house, that is until we can get a drum set of her own.  I think we will be investing in some ear plugs in the near future! It is going to be wonderful watching my girl rock those drums!

K or pickle as we call her is doing wonderful despite the many challenges that she has had to overcome.  She has been going to speech therapy for her "r" sound. She shocks her speech therapist over and over again by how quickly she is progressing. She really enjoys her time with just mama while we drive to and from her meetings.  She has even gotten to drive on the gravel road (which she likes to brag to her sisters about) with mom's assistance of course! Another challenge she has to face is her vision. She was really struggling with learning to read and most of our reading lessons would end with her in tears and me close to tears! After a visit with the eye doctor we knew why. My poor little pickle could barely see.  I can't remember the exact numbers, but take my word for it they were BAD! We had to gradually increase her left lens prescription over a period of 6 months. We are now on the final increase so hopefully within the next few months she will be able to see 20/20 with her glasses. She has been very persistent and determined to learn how to read.  I can proudly say that she has accomplished her goal. She can read!!! Way to go sweetie!!

I will have to update you on the rest of the princesses in another post. The break has been nice, but mommy duty calls yet again. God Bless!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Life is so precious......

     I have been reminded how fragile and unpredictable life can be. Friends of ours lost their 15 yr old daughter and had four of their other children injured in a car accident on Valentines Day. How quickly our lives can be overturned! My heart is breaking for them. I hope I never have to experience the pain they are going through right now. I can't imagine. All I can do is pray for this wonderful family and trust that God will comfort them.
     Since the accident I have been thinking about how much of life we miss out on. We put our heads down and push through our days....checking off our mental list of everything we need to get accomplished and feeling discouraged when things haven't quite gone as planned. I am usually one of those moms with her head down just trying to get everything done.
      I recently asked myself.... How much do I miss while my head is down and I am just trying to get through my day? How many times have I inadvertently wounded one of my girls' tender hearts by being to busy with trying to get it all done that I haven't taken the time to really hear them? Do I really just want to end my days thinking "Phew today is finally done" or do I want to experience everything God intends for me to experience?
     Looking back through these past few months I have realized that I am pretty much just pushing through life, trying to get each day done and over with, trying to check off each box just to be done with it.I know that my wonderful, loving and amazing God has so much more in store for me than I am allowing myself to experience. He doesn't want me to just make it through this life, He wants me to make a difference in this life.
     How do I make a difference? How does this crazy busy, tired, stressed out mommy make a difference in such a huge world?  The answer.... I start with what God has given me. I start by making a difference in my wonderful husband's life and each of my precious daughters' lives, by making sure that every day they know how much I love and treasure each of them. I can start by showing kindness to others even if I don't feel like it. You never know how a simple smile can affect a persons day!
    No matter how long your to-do list is, or how busy you are please don't just put your head down and make it through life. Slow down and take the time to love those around you. Leave your husband a love note (even when he doesn't deserve it!), take your wife on a picnic (even though you are tired!), play outside with your kids (even if it is freezing out!). Let them know that they are important to you. God has amazing and wonderful things in store if we just take the time to listen to Him and trust Him.
 I'm planning my next post to be more of an update on the kids and our family. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Clean House..... What's that??

   It amazes me how quickly our palace can go from being neat, tidy and somewhat clean to being a complete disaster zone in a matter of minutes. I would love it if our pink palace would look like all those neat, tidy, beautifully decorated homes you see in the magazines and on TV. In reality our palace will never look like that. The reason??? Hurricane Presley! OK so she is not the only reason (being a large busy family certainly plays a part) but seriously my baby is a busy busy girl! She leaves no cupboard unopened, no toy unplayed with, no room untouched! Out of all of our girls, she is by far the busiest. Most of the girls were quite content playing quietly with their toys, not Presley. She needs to be exploring and checking everything out. I could get frustrated and angry that she is messing up my palace, but I don't. I smile, I laugh, and I shake my head. There are more important things in life than having a gorgeous house. It is such a joy to watch my little girl learn and explore. So what if there is paper all over the floor, toys from one end of the house to the other, and cookie crumbs on the couch. She is happy and that is all that matters to me.
     One day I'll have time to dust, keep up with laundry, and make sure the house is tidy. However I don't see that day coming for a very long time. If I have to choose between having a perfect house and making memories with my girls, memories will win out every time! I do think having a fairly neat house is important and I am teaching the girls how to maintain a house and the importance to being neat, but I want my girls to feel free to make a mess without the fear of getting in trouble for it. God has graciously given me 6 wonderful little girls and  I intend to spend as much time as I can loving them. The dusting and windows can just wait!! So if you come into the Pink Palace and the dust on the piano or the fingerprints on the windows bother you....... I'll show you where the dusting supplies are, you can go ahead and clean up while I go play baby dolls with my girls! ;0)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Having a house full of girls has definitely taught me to be flexible. More often than not my plans for our week change not once but more like a dozen times. I am always tweaking our schedule and trying to find a nice balance between school, chores, free time, and family time.

 The girls idea of school!
 One thing that I love about home schooling is the ability to mix things up. My most recent change is Home EC Fridays. Every Friday will be dedicated to making memories with my girls while teaching them life skills, such as cooking, sewing, baking, and learning how to be mommies! Check back for updates on our Home EC Fridays.
Besides teaching our princesses, I am always on the look out for organizing and scheduling ideas. My goal for February is to give once a month cooking a try. For the past few days I have been getting our menu board ready and making our shopping list. If all goes well Saturday will be my big cooking day so we will see how that goes.
That's about it from the Pink Palace for today! God Bless and have a perfectly pink day :0)

Friday, January 20, 2012

About Our Pink Palace

Our pink palace began 12 years ago today with the birth of our first daughter. Little did we know that 5 more little girls would follow. Our palace is full of laughter, hugs, kisses, baby dolls, dancing and tons of pink! Life might get crazy but I wouldn't change it for the world.